<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/31/Flag_of_Equatorial_Guinea.svg" alt="Equatorial Guinea Flag" width="40" style="vertical-align: middle;"><br>Oscar A. Nchaso Bekari

Equatorial Guinea Flag
Oscar A. Nchaso Bekari

Creator of the V.E.R.D.A.D method and the QUERIDO YO technique, Motivational Speaker, Business Development Consultant, and Founder of DREAMS HUB

Creator of the V.E.R.D.A.D method and the `QUERIDO YO´ technique. Author of the books DREAMS (The board of dreams) 2019, PARACAÍDAS, 2020 and MIEL, 2021. Selected one of the 50 Digital Champions of Africa 2020, the pan-African festival to unlock the digital future of Africa recognizing innovators and pioneers on the African continent.

Oscar A. Nchaso Bekari holds a double degree in International and English Economics and Trade, Minoring in English, from the Dalian University of Technology (China); and a Master in Business Administration, Management and Organization from the Camilo José Cela University of Madrid (Spain). The motivational speaker invites the audience through his speeches to think or reflect on current and necessary topics such as uncertainty management, assertiveness for decision making, management by results, strategic vision, listening active of the environment and attitudes for the achievement of success; as well as tools for the development of personal leadership, and effective communication for teamwork. He remains firm in his message, emphasizing the idea of collaborative minds, to obtain a high performance in the organization. At the same time also raises analysis and reflections at a deeper level, entering into considerations of the field of quantum physics, the theory of relativity or the unfolding theory, applied to knowledge management processes, with an ultimate goal; the practice of futurism as lifestyle. Giving priority to how our actions will impact on the future of next generations, on our planet and universe.

NCHASO BEKARI also acts as a business development consultant, enterprise and institutional intermediation. Well known for speaking in several languages, including Spanish, Chinese, English, French, Russian and short Portuguese. Founder of DREAMS HUB initiative. A tech hub in his community primarily for children under the age of 13, from families with limited economics resources, receiving free access to technology of information courses and leadership skills. A project that was born with the intention of articulating a network of organizations and outstanding people from the business, professional and cultural fields of the country, to promote a cultural movement that emphasizes the importance of returning to reading and reflexive listening, as a basis for manage uncertainty, prioritizing the management of values, as a fundamental pillar of any society. In his dynamic task, also offers coaching services and techniques for self-esteem as a key to personal and collective performance. He has worked as a consultant for the United Nations program, in the area of development of UNDP programs, directly in the office of the then Resident Coordinator of the system. An entrepreneur by nature, he is also an artist, composer, lyricist, poet, thinker and writer.

LinkedIN: Oscar A. NCHASO BEKARI // Twitter: @NchasoOscar // Facebook: Oscar Nchaso// Instagram: @oscarnchaso

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